At present, the Brass and Bronze business is diversified in several sectors:
- Manufacture and supply of bars for curtains and accessories, as well as ladder bars and their accessories. In brass, iron and stainless steel, with a wide variety of finishes.
- Manufacture and supply of articles and metal furniture: handrails, handrails, special enclosures, various furniture such as tables, shelves, consoles, beds, armchairs, etc .; Various decoration objects.
- Manufacture and supply of wooden furniture: tables, chairs and armchairs, special bedrooms, headboards, bedside tables, trunks, desks, auxiliary furniture for both decoration and hospitality, etc.
- Manufacture and supply of textiles: curtains and net curtains, blinds, both manual and motorized, awnings of exterior and interior, skirts stretchers, covers of chairs, making chairs and armchairs, bedding such as covers or bedspreads, etc.
- Manufacture and supply of lighting articles: floor or table lamps, wall sconces, lanterns, ceiling lamps, both large and small, ceiling lamps, etc.
- Wall covering, both of fabrics and wallpapers, normal or vinyl, and finishing of said walls with normal or special paints.